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My Wings

I want you to know I am grateful now that I am grown,

For encouraging me to fly with wings I made on my own.

You knew in time they’d be beautiful. You knew in time they’d be strong,

With freedom to learn through my choices, whether right or whether wrong.

You nurtured my confidence, my self-worth, and my self-esteem.

You refrained from any judgement, allowing my soul to dream.

You fed my body. You fed my soul, held my hand, but not too tight.

You let me explore and wander while keeping me in your sight.

I want you to know I love you now that I am grown,

For encouraging me to fly with wings I made on my own.

You knew in time they’d be beautiful. You knew in time they’d be strong,

My wings now ready to mother and nurture MY children along.

- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2018

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