Who am I to question my Creator, the Divine,
Who wove me in His tapestry with love and by design.
Who wove me in with purpose, intention and with care;
Particularly placed, important that I’m there.
Too small is my perspective to determine on my own
The value of my thread in the masterpiece He’s sewn.
Dark days you will not take me, for God will not forsake me.
Dark nights you will not end me, for God will always mend me.
Who am I to question my creator, the Divine,
Who wove me in His tapestry with love and by design.
Who wove me in with purpose, intention and with care;
Particularly placed, important that I’m there.
Too low is my awareness to determine on my own
The measure of my thread in the masterpiece He’s sewn.
Dark days you will not take me, for God will not forsake me.
Dark nights you will not end me, for God will always mend me.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2011