When you are searching for the words to express and convey,
Quiet and still the mind, allowing the heart to have a say.
The mind will want to take the lead, control, and dominate,
Usurping the hearts power to command and communicate.
No judgements, condemnations, negativity or blame;
Just love to rise above tired patterns of same old same.
Defenses will be lowered when you make a conscious choice
To speak from a higher place, giving love and heart a voice.
When you are searching for the words to express and convey,
Quiet and still the mind, allowing the heart to have a say.
The mind will want to take the reins, assuming authority,
Usurping the hearts power to love unconditionally.
No judgements, condemnations, negativity or blame;
Just love to rise above tired patterns of same old same.
Understanding is successful with a caring tender word.
Relationships are mended when the heart and love are heard.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2020