In heaven, God’s love is the sun. In heaven, God’s love is the light.
His children are rays of His love, with potential to shine as bright.
The closer you stay to His light, the stronger your ray will be.
Attracting your heart’s desires in much the same way as He.
Wake up to the love that you are. You are part of the whole and the one.
Being the love that you are brings forth blessings that grace and stun.
In heaven, God’s love is the sun. In heaven, God’s love is the light.
His children are rays of His love, with potential to shine as bright.
The closer you stay to His light, the stronger your ray will be.
Attracting what brings you happiness in much the same way as He.
Wake up to the love that you are. Attract your heart’s content.
You are worthy and you belong. You are love and heaven sent.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2018
Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.