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Generous are the blessings that are heaped upon our plate,

                Like more chances to be the love with a new day and a clean slate.


Remarkable gifts of common, of simple, and of plain,

                Long to be seen and valued, redefining the mundane.


Ascension through higher vibration, feeling love and gratitude,

                Takes us higher on the mountain to contentment’s altitude.


Thankful for ALL perspectives, the “middle,” the “highs,” the “lows.”

                Lucky for ALL perspectives, the “hold tights” and the “letting goes.”


Endless are the blessings that are heaped upon our plate,

                Like more chances to be the love with a new day and a clean slate.


Forever are we cherished.  We are loved for eternity.

                Never are we alone.  There is only oneness and unity.


Unwavering is the guidance, the encouragement, and the cheer.

                Heartening is the support, the admiration, and the revere.


Lucky for ALL perspectives, the “maybes,” the “yeses,” the “nos.”

                Thankful for ALL perspectives, the “not nows,” and the “here we goes.”


                                                -Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2024



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