When our hope is fading fast; when our faith starts to slip and go.
Support us with Your love. We will praise and continue to sow.
Show us what none can fathom. Show us what none can predict.
Surprise us with Your miracles that none can deny or restrict.
Your unlimitedness. Your timing. Your methods. Your cards to play.
Your Heaven and Earth to move. Your Kingdom. Your power. Your way.
When doubt starts to rear its head; when fear moves in and takes hold;
Support us with Your love, unconditional, solid and bold.
Show us Your grace and protection. Show us Your parted seas.
Surprise us with Your miracles that bring us to our knees.
Your unlimitedness. Your timing. Your methods. Your cards to play.
Your Heaven and Earth to move. Your Kingdom. Your glory. Your way.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2021