Your gifts are not given for power, for money or for fame.
Your gifts are to benefit all, to be shared with the whole in God’s name.
Your gifts express God’s love. Keep this in thought when you share.
Your gifts are given to serve. Service and joy are a pair.
Service and joy bring fulfillment. True for those ready to see.
Your gifts bring emotions of happiness when shared with humanity.
Your gifts are not given for power, for money or for fame.
Your gifts are to benefit all, to be shared with the whole in God’s name.
Give freely what you are given. Extend God’s love and good will.
Nothing compares to God’s gratitude of which you’ll have your fill.
Service and joy bring fulfillment. Give “and Ye shall receive.”
A heart blessed with love and contentment beyond what you can conceive.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2021