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One Hundred Percent


A “Yes” is not the majority, more than half way, or a part.

            A “Yes” is one hundred percent when determined by the heart.


A “mostly” doesn’t cut it.  A “preponderance” isn’t right.

            A “largely” is still a “No” and a “chiefly” is still a red light.


“Approximately” falls short.  “Nearly” is far from a win.

            Not one doubt or reservation, just a confidence of ALL in.


A “Yes” is not the majority, more than half way, or a part.

            A “Yes” is one hundred percent when determined by the heart.


An “almost” is insufficient.  A “close” is below the bar.

            A “primarily” is lacking and a “mainly” is “no cigar.”


“Predominately” falls short.  “Roughly” is far from a win.

            Not one doubt or hesitation, just a knowingness of ALL in.


                                    -Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2024



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