What does the energy say when there’s no proof or evidence?
What does the energy say when the mind states, “This doesn’t make sense?”
The energy comes from the heart. It feels. It leads. It knows.
The mind can get trapped in its limitedness. The energy flows and flows.
The mind tends to sabotage with its doubt and uncertainty.
The heart is calm in its confidence and commands assuredly.
What does the energy say when there’s no proof or evidence?
What does the energy say when the mind states, “This doesn’t make sense?”
The energy comes from the heart. It feels. It leads. It knows.
The mind can get trapped in its limitedness. The energy flows and flows.
A heart in command sends the energy, discerning false from true.
When the mind states, “I do not know,” the heart replies, “Yes, you do.”
-Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2022