Put your bare feet upon the earth. Allow electrons to pour in.
Stand or skip. Heel Toe or stomp. Decide to shuffle, walk, or spin.
Electrons saturate our bodies instantaneously.
When our skin touches the earth, we recharge our battery.
This effect is known as grounding. It’s an antioxidant.
It helps our blood. It helps our heart and it is time always well spent.
Put your bare feet upon the earth. Allow your soul to be your guide.
Stroll or march. Tip Toe or dance. Decide to high step, run, or slide.
Electrons saturate our bodies instantaneously.
When our skin touches the earth, we recharge our battery.
This effect is known as grounding. It’s an antioxidant.
It helps our mind. It helps our mood and it is always time well spent.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2024