Do not perceive it as a loss. You will understand it later.
I am setting a foundation for something more, something greater.
Greater love, greater joy, greater faith to bestow on Me.
Let Me show you what I know. Let Me show you what I see.
A bigger smile, a fuller heart, happy tears, and bluer skies.
Comprehension, gratitude, clarity in place of “whys?”
Unlimited is my dream for you. This path to walk instead.
Oh, the love I have in store for you. It lies just up ahead.
Bless it all with confidence. Bless it all and take My hand.
Let Me lead you to a worthy place, Heavenly and grand.
Do not perceive it as a loss. You will understand it later.
I am setting a foundation for something more, something greater.
Greater love, greater joy, greater faith to bestow on Me.
Let Me show you what I know. Let Me show you what I see.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2020