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Being The Love

Put on your awareness cape. The closer to God you fly,

Awakens your super powers that astound and mystify.

Each heart has God’s power within. Each heart can surprise and amaze,

With what it can do with its love in its many loving ways.

By being the love that you are, you align with God and His grace,

Lifting the veil on illusion, finding your joy and your place.

Put on your awareness suit. The closer to God you flow,

Strengthens your super powers that only excel and grow.

Each heart can perform a miracle. Each heart can co-create,

Attracting its content from a sacred benevolent state.

By being the love that you are, you align with God and His grace,

Lifting the veil on illusion, finding your joy and your place.

- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2018


Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.

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