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Worth (Love)

Your birth is not your worth defined as high or defined as low.

You’re not more and you’re not less despite what circumstance may show.

You are cherished. You are loved whether hungry or whether fed.

You are equal in Love’s Kingdom no matter what’s been implied or said.

Yet, you’re special. You’re unique. You’re the apple of Love’s eye.

You have purpose. You are needed like the sun up in the sky.

Your birth is not your worth defined as pauper or defined as prince.

You’re not more and you’re not less despite what context may convince.

You are cherished. You are loved whether warm or whether cold.

You are equal in Love’s Kingdom no matter what’s been implied or told.

Yet, you’re special. You are different. There is no one just like you.

You’re respected. You’re admired and Love loves you through and through.

-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2019

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